Sam Freeman

Storytelling | Theatre | Arts Marketing

Author: Sam Freeman

  • The Great British Bake Off

    What is wrong with me? I mean seriously, what has become of my life? It used to be so simple, things were easy, I knew my place, I knew what to expect, I was a typical man, football on TV, a pint at the weekend, steak on a tuesday, fish and chips on a thursday,…

  • Standing Up

    For those who are regular followers of my blog you’ll know that I’m a wreckless self-publicist constantly inundating unsuspecting facebook friends and twitter fans with my inanely soul destroying posts. However those extremely observant will have noticed that I’m being a bit selective with what I’m posting at the moment. A year ago I went to Edinburgh…

  • Facing Fear

    I was trying to write some stand up material today and found myself thinking about fear and particularly having an irrational fear of slugs – not as it happens anything I could make funnier, but it got me thinking about my own fears. Fear is an interesting adversity for me – it’s something that has…

  • Interview: Fred MacAulay

    Fred MacAulay is one of Scotland’s most famous comedians who has performed nationally and internationally as well as worked extensively on radio and television. Fred is touring in 2012 with his latest show, ‘Legally Bald’. You arrived in stand-up at a relatively late age, what was it that motivated you to give it a go?…

  • Interview: Markus Birdman

    Standup comedian Markus Birdman is performing his latest show Love, Life and Death at The Stand at Edinburgh Festival before going on to tour in 2012/13. Was the concept of being a stand up as a career something that was a gradual realisation or did you have a moment of clarity and inspiration? A gradual thing I…

  • Festival’s everywhere!

    I have been considering recently what I’d do if I won the lottery, something that I imagine lots of people muse about from time to time. I quickly passed through the obvious ones (house, car, driving lessons – not in that order), before moving into the deliberately charitable ones (i’d help someone so I seem…

  • Fifty Shades Of Ginger

    “…and then after that, well, there was nothing for it, we hi-fived!” concluded Christian Grey as he recounted another of his sexually deviant stories to the assorted group of red-blooded friends gathered around him in the Leek and Lion Pub just off Old Street. The old school friends met up like this every year to…

  • Edinburgh 2012 Reviews

    I’ve just returned from four glorious days in sunny Edinburgh (it seems wrong to say…), basking in comedic and theatrical genius with the odd road bump along the way. Last year I reviewed in depth everything I saw. However this year it wasn’t possible for 3 reasons. 1# I was there with my girlfriend who…

  • Obscure Sports

    “RUBBISH” I find myself proclaiming at the screen, “Absolute rubbish.” You might have thought I’d be talking about some ghastly ill advised arts coverage, or maybe something David Cameron has said about poor people being fed to the rich, or even football, at least something I am vaguely knowledgeable about. But no, the Olympics has…

  • Review: Essentials M8 Microphone

    To specialise or not to specialise that is the question. Some companies are dedicated to certain types of equipment, they become synonymous with them. Think Shure and Sennheiser for Microphones, Gibson and Fender for electric guitars, Marshall and amps, Korg’s synthesizers and Ernie Ball strings. Some companies find a product that fits with them like butter…

  • Comedy Review: Jon Richardson

        For someone who claims to be a “bit of a penis”, “a dick” and an all round nasty person Jon Richardson is, it should be said, a comedian who audiences instinctively warm to. He has a charm, a turn of phrase and a vulnerability which allows him to say the most horrendous (yet…

  • Olympic LIVE Blog

    Hello and welcome to the LIVE (all caps) blog of what’s been going down… I’ve been at Jon Richardson’s show which has been a brilliant evening out, I’d highly recommend it, although it should be said it didn’t involve many flags… Review to follow at some point… Anyway, on with the Games… Let’s summarise the…

  • Review: Farida J-16ENS Guitar

    No one likes to admit that they’re average. In pub conversations, on clubbing nights out, on dates, holidays, during meals in posh restaurants, when with family or friends, work colleagues or mortal enemies we avoid, flee and deny the existence of “average”. Rather be exceptional – bad or good – than languish in the middle, devoid of…

  • Becoming a cycling hero…

    I bought a bike. This is an unusual sentence for me to say for two reason. It’s also quite surprising and it’s pretty hard to get two reasons from a 4 word sentence. It’s unusual because a) I bought something. For those who know me you’ll know this is a rare occurance. Unless death in…

  • WANTED: Company to produce

    Is it me or is everyone a producer nowadays? I was chatting to my good friend, director Charlotte Bennett this week when the subject of producers came up. I have quite regular dealings with producers who, broadly speaking fit into three niche types. 1) The Megamaniac – Believe that success is achieved by shouting and…

  • It’s Always Right Now…

    This weekend I popped over to Manchester to see the excessively talented Daniel Kitson perform his show, It’s Always Right Now, Until It’s Later. The show is based around the lives of two people, William and Caroline, two people who meet only for the briefest moment, but live full extraordinary lives which are exceptional because of…

  • Work In Progress – Part 1

    Hello! I’m abandoning football commentary to put some new writing up. I’ve been writing a show to record and then put out as a free podcast. So here’s the first 5 pages… See what you think! Incidently I should mention I’ve not looked at spelling and grammar and it’s written as it is to be…

  • England V Italy

    Press F5 to refresh the blog #That all folks – That’s all folks, please add comments to the bottom, and rate (also at the bottom), keep an eye out for other blogs and follow me @mrfreeman1984 – Cheers! #England Lose – Beaten again on penalties, it’s a harsh way to go out, but at the…