Author: Sam Freeman
England V Ukraine
Keep refreshing (F5) for latest content Hello and welcome to my Football blog, keeping YOU, up to date with all the exciting moments of the game.. Pre Match – Well I’m excited… Are you? I might die from excitement. And in exciting pre-match news, it seems most of the England team are singing the National…
Writer’s Block (is back…)
So here it is, again, it follows me around like rain clouds stalk cricket matches, like my good friend attracts impossibly drunk women, like Jazz is followed by an involuntary nod of the head and an occasional tap on the knee – yes, writers block is back and this time it means business. This has…
What next…
So that’s it, the show’s over, the responses are in, the reviews are slowly circulating and it’s back to reality… Floating was good fun to do, we got some great reactions, a couple of nurses (who I don’t know!) posted comments on the page and Unity Theatre’s wall: “absolutely stunning show tonight. It was strange…
Rehearsing – This time less pretentious…
For those of you who are a regular reader of my blog, or have stumbled over the last couple of blog posts you’ll have noticed, when compared to earlier works of occasional light hearted genius, that the mood and tone has taken an excessively artistic and pretentious edge of late. I was questioned about my…
Back to rehearsals…
We’re back in rehearsals for Floating this time down in London and we’ve had the first day of rehearsals. It’s great being back in the space, exploring the text and still finding new things to experiment with and push the play onwards finding variations of different scenes to find the best resolutions, the most honest…
Football (Writing a story – pt2)
So continuing my promise to try and write material every night…. A new section… I have a problem with my jaw so immense headaches so this might be terrible and end abruptly. However if it does rest assured I’ll be crying somewhere while clutching a bag of frozen southern friend chips close to my face……
Writing a story – pt1
So here’s the thing. I think deep down I’ve always wanted to do something more creative than marketing. Crazy huh? But it’s true. For a long time it was playwriting, but while I occasionally have moments of inspiration, largely I struggle to get to the end of telling stories in a traditional play sense. Floating…
Unusual chairs…
Me and Louise did a little shopping today for a chair I needed for my upcoming production at Unity Theatre of Floating (shameless plug – tickets still available). I’d never bought a chair before which I guess would have been a monumental moment in my life, one to cherish like a child’s first step or…
The plague of beauty
I once went on a date with a girl who said I looked like a celebrity. ‘Oh right’, I said, ‘who’s that then’. I’d had this before, usually shouted at me by sweaty lager-swilling blokes in the pub, lurching over, and swearing than ‘you look like Rodney mate’. Let’s just say I wasn’t filled with…
The Show Calculator: Part 2
We had an interesting conversation a few months ago at work about our Christmas show – I realised that our methods of estimating income and budgeting costs were a bit vague, it wasn’t really based on anything other than assumptions. Anyway, this led me to look at how we can budget effectively for our Christmas…
A new show…
I’ve been thinking about what to do recently and started writing a new show… Anyway here’s a bit of it, let me know what you think, if you’d be interested in being in it or if you’d fancy directing it! When I was 15 I read ‘1984’. We were in English, English Literature, the start…
Stability and growing old
I was sat with Louise (my other half, is it me or does “partner” offer the possibility that, I, Sam, may be a woman, anyway…), we were sat in the lovely LEAF bar down Bold Street in Liverpool when a trendy couple sat down next to us. I could instantly tell they were trendy, they…
Calculating the cost of Christmas
I have somewhat of a confession this evening. It’s not something I’m proud of, indeed i’ve hidden it away for some time, however I can no longer control it, it’s dirty, it’s geeky, it’s an addiction. I’ve become a fan of Excel. I never realised until now how geeky I have become, but yesterday I…
Floating rehearsal – Day Two
So we’re on day two of rehearsals and the script’s been tightened up considerably. I think as a writer you never get a complete idea of how a piece will work until someone external picks the script apart a little and asks the awkward questions. I have to admit this can be the hardest part…
Floating rehearsal – Day One
As part of my job as a theatre marketing person I invariably find myself berating companies for not keeping an adequate record of the process they’ve gone though in creating a new piece of work. Alas I suspect I shall fall foul of my own demands, but in order to appease myself I’m going to…
Songs about stalking
I was sat in on Thursday with my guitar (I bought a new guitar, a lovely Farida acoustic… fills me with joy) strumming away when I realised that there are some subjects which have never been immortalised in song. Like trying to find clean socks, or the trials of curry farts or stalkers. So I…
The First Read Through…
For a long time now I’ve had the feeling that something wasn’t right. It’s weird how life pushes and pulls things into different perspectives, often I’ve found when my personal life is least settled my professional life is an oasis of calm and visa versa. At the moment I find myself in a good place…
Comedy – Work In Progress
It’s been a while since my last blog post, the extremely geeky games review, and in that time a couple of things have happened – firstly I have written a serious play which will be showing on May 30 & 31 at Unity Theatre, more details to follow – and secondly the comedy set I’ve…