Author: Sam Freeman
Arts Marketing: Freaks, Questions, Testing and Careers
How many of us send a season brochure? Pretty much most regional theatres right? Now we send them because we have an inherent belief that they work, that they bring in a huge amount of sales – but how much of these essential pieces of print is developed through research and how much is developed…
2022 Resolutions
As I get older I’ve become more and more aware that these are things to help motivate me in life. I think back to my early twenties when I dreamt of being an Artistic Director, or late twenties where stand up really entered my life, and I worry that I’ve become directionless.
Theatre, freedom and anti-vaxxer complaints.
It’s late. The clock has just chimed midnight. Or at least it would have should I own a clock with a bell that chimes. I’m wide awake, shoulders tight and I can tell I’m wound up. To begin. Welsh Government have introduced new rules surrounding showing your Covid Status when attending theatre and cinema events…
The exhausting truth about booking a small-scale storytelling tour.
It’s been a long while since I wrote a blog post – to be honest, I’ve not written many for the past 9 months, a combination of tiredness, lack of inspiration and, well, doing other stuff. I’m in the midst of booking a tour at the moment for the show I made last year, Every…
I’m touring a show that’s good.
As many of you will know I wrote a new storytelling show last year called Every Little Hope You Ever Dreamed (But Didn’t Want To Mention). It did an R&D in January for a week at Theatr Clwyd and then did three performances in late July (also at Theatr Clwyd) which went pretty well*. So…
Performing, Panic, and the the problem with being alone.
I’ve not blogged for absolutely ages – here’s my excuse: I’ve been making a show. To give the quick intro for those who are unaware… Last year I wrote a new storytelling show, it did an R&D in January and then, last Fri, Sat and Sun I did performances in front of an audience, ostensibly…
Nothing to do with Arts Marketing.
Astute regular readers of this blog will have noticed that, well, there’s been nothing regular about this blog for a while now. There’s a few reasons but most notably it’s this – I’m doing a show. Now straight away I can sense a bit of tension, “doing a show” you ask, “what does he mean…
Arts Marketing: Preparing For What’s Next
Or ideas of things to do over the next couple of months… I’ve been in a weird mood since Christmas – a kind of grumpy, unfocused, curmudgeon, working hard but also not feeling like, well, I’m actually making a difference. Now, of course, some of that is the destabilising effect of being in lockdown, missing…
Five Thoughts For Friday (19 Feb, 2021)
I was reading a blog of someone who, since lockdown, has written down 7 things every day, keeping a record of their thoughts and how it’s all been going. Now I totally don’t have enough thoughts to reach 7, but I thought I’d give it a go! Some are about arts marketing, some are about…
A new show for 2021
I’m currently having a week off from my “proper job” of Arts Marketing after a Christmas doing online support for digital shows. The online support was eye-opening, I don’t think I’ll get annoyed with people replying slowly over support when I need help ever again, I mean, don’t get me wrong 99.9% of the people…
New Year’s Resolutions 2021
Well fuck me thank God 2020 is over right? I mean don’t get me wrong – there was some nice bits in 2020 – friends had kids, I bought a coffee machine and Newcastle didn’t get relegated. But overall, on balance, not a terrific one. Regular readers (by which I mean all four of you…
Vodafone: A tale of woe, poor customer service and being on hold.
This is a parable about customer service. I don’t do bills. Not because I’m a Elizabethan cad, rogue or rascal. Quite the opposite. In fact they stress me out to a point approaching tears and send my anxiety into overdrive. I once cried after speaking to the water company for less than 10 minutes. I…
Doing R&D on a show
I’ve been feeling a bit down for the last few weeks – there’s the obvious reason for that, but also, because I’ve not done anything I count as ‘creative’ for a while now. I was feeling a bit, well, pointless. I’m also approaching my birthday, a time which consistently puts me in a foul mood,…
Filming Theatre Experiment – Part #1
So here goes, this is a blog well outside my comfort zone of both arts marketing and winging about how badly I’ve died on my ass at a comedy gig. This one’s about recording theatre shows. When lockdown began there was a frenzy of people putting shows online – from the National Theatre’s NT Live…
Ups, Downs, Dreams and Reality
To begin. This is not an Arts Marketing blog – for some people reading this that will be nothing but a blessed relief, for others I’m sure you’re now wondering how else I might disappoint you in a distinctly lengthy blog post. Today’s post is about confidence in one’s creative self (eventually). So if you’re…
Arts Marketing – Predicting The Future
I started writing this post in late May, but then hit a block of “what the fuck am I writing any of this for” followed by “is this actually helping anyone?” I struggled to answer either question to be honest and now, in light of theatres closing and redundancies being on the card for people…
Seat Wars – Episode II – Social Spacing Fights Back
Hey there! So if you’ve been here before then welcome back and if you’re new well, where have you been. This is a much less wordy blog than usual (which readers of my last blog (click here) will be undoubtedly relieved) – mostly because I’m leading a quiz tonight that promises to be (and this…