Category: Blog Post
Olympic LIVE Blog
Hello and welcome to the LIVE (all caps) blog of what’s been going down… I’ve been at Jon Richardson’s show which has been a brilliant evening out, I’d highly recommend it, although it should be said it didn’t involve many flags… Review to follow at some point… Anyway, on with the Games… Let’s summarise the…
Review: Farida J-16ENS Guitar
No one likes to admit that they’re average. In pub conversations, on clubbing nights out, on dates, holidays, during meals in posh restaurants, when with family or friends, work colleagues or mortal enemies we avoid, flee and deny the existence of “average”. Rather be exceptional – bad or good – than languish in the middle, devoid of…
Becoming a cycling hero…
I bought a bike. This is an unusual sentence for me to say for two reason. It’s also quite surprising and it’s pretty hard to get two reasons from a 4 word sentence. It’s unusual because a) I bought something. For those who know me you’ll know this is a rare occurance. Unless death in…
WANTED: Company to produce
Is it me or is everyone a producer nowadays? I was chatting to my good friend, director Charlotte Bennett this week when the subject of producers came up. I have quite regular dealings with producers who, broadly speaking fit into three niche types. 1) The Megamaniac – Believe that success is achieved by shouting and…
It’s Always Right Now…
This weekend I popped over to Manchester to see the excessively talented Daniel Kitson perform his show, It’s Always Right Now, Until It’s Later. The show is based around the lives of two people, William and Caroline, two people who meet only for the briefest moment, but live full extraordinary lives which are exceptional because of…
Work In Progress – Part 1
Hello! I’m abandoning football commentary to put some new writing up. I’ve been writing a show to record and then put out as a free podcast. So here’s the first 5 pages… See what you think! Incidently I should mention I’ve not looked at spelling and grammar and it’s written as it is to be…
England V Italy
Press F5 to refresh the blog #That all folks – That’s all folks, please add comments to the bottom, and rate (also at the bottom), keep an eye out for other blogs and follow me @mrfreeman1984 – Cheers! #England Lose – Beaten again on penalties, it’s a harsh way to go out, but at the…
England V Ukraine
Keep refreshing (F5) for latest content Hello and welcome to my Football blog, keeping YOU, up to date with all the exciting moments of the game.. Pre Match – Well I’m excited… Are you? I might die from excitement. And in exciting pre-match news, it seems most of the England team are singing the National…
Writer’s Block (is back…)
So here it is, again, it follows me around like rain clouds stalk cricket matches, like my good friend attracts impossibly drunk women, like Jazz is followed by an involuntary nod of the head and an occasional tap on the knee – yes, writers block is back and this time it means business. This has…
What next…
So that’s it, the show’s over, the responses are in, the reviews are slowly circulating and it’s back to reality… Floating was good fun to do, we got some great reactions, a couple of nurses (who I don’t know!) posted comments on the page and Unity Theatre’s wall: “absolutely stunning show tonight. It was strange…
Rehearsing – This time less pretentious…
For those of you who are a regular reader of my blog, or have stumbled over the last couple of blog posts you’ll have noticed, when compared to earlier works of occasional light hearted genius, that the mood and tone has taken an excessively artistic and pretentious edge of late. I was questioned about my…
Back to rehearsals…
We’re back in rehearsals for Floating this time down in London and we’ve had the first day of rehearsals. It’s great being back in the space, exploring the text and still finding new things to experiment with and push the play onwards finding variations of different scenes to find the best resolutions, the most honest…
Football (Writing a story – pt2)
So continuing my promise to try and write material every night…. A new section… I have a problem with my jaw so immense headaches so this might be terrible and end abruptly. However if it does rest assured I’ll be crying somewhere while clutching a bag of frozen southern friend chips close to my face……
Writing a story – pt1
So here’s the thing. I think deep down I’ve always wanted to do something more creative than marketing. Crazy huh? But it’s true. For a long time it was playwriting, but while I occasionally have moments of inspiration, largely I struggle to get to the end of telling stories in a traditional play sense. Floating…
Unusual chairs…
Me and Louise did a little shopping today for a chair I needed for my upcoming production at Unity Theatre of Floating (shameless plug – tickets still available). I’d never bought a chair before which I guess would have been a monumental moment in my life, one to cherish like a child’s first step or…
The plague of beauty
I once went on a date with a girl who said I looked like a celebrity. ‘Oh right’, I said, ‘who’s that then’. I’d had this before, usually shouted at me by sweaty lager-swilling blokes in the pub, lurching over, and swearing than ‘you look like Rodney mate’. Let’s just say I wasn’t filled with…
The Show Calculator: Part 2
We had an interesting conversation a few months ago at work about our Christmas show – I realised that our methods of estimating income and budgeting costs were a bit vague, it wasn’t really based on anything other than assumptions. Anyway, this led me to look at how we can budget effectively for our Christmas…
A new show…
I’ve been thinking about what to do recently and started writing a new show… Anyway here’s a bit of it, let me know what you think, if you’d be interested in being in it or if you’d fancy directing it! When I was 15 I read ‘1984’. We were in English, English Literature, the start…